Формулата на успеха
Колкото повече искаме да постигнем, колкото по-далеч искаме да отидем, толкова по-здрава трябва да е нашата основа. Talk за семплата формула на успеха: СЪМ + МОГА = ИМАМ. Todor Terziev is currently occupied in consulting and recruitment activities. He created his consultancy company to help people find new and better jobs, and also to help different companies to find their new workers. He has been working in sales, recruitment and consulting for the last 9 years. During those years he has helped more than 3000 people to find their new and better workplace. He works with multiple companies from the domestic and the foreign market as well, on projects related with improving the public image of a company, Employer branding, optimizing the production performance and the soft skills of the employees who work at the companies.